As some of you MAY know, my hubs and I got married in November of last year and in February of this year, we purchased our FIRST HOME 😭 Needless to say, it's been a fulfilling and emotional year for us, for me! I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who reached out to me and congratulated us and gave us your support. This community of 3BH gals have been so supportive and it fills my heart knowing so many of y'all send your blessings.
We were living in Oak Cliff but the hustle and bustle was not made for us. We are homebody folk who love a small town, so we moved just outside of Waxahachie, which is the town where we met! Moving here has never felt so right and the timing even more perfect. The heartbreaks from not getting the other houses we loved feels almost non-existent now that we are all moved into our new home. I feel so at peace here, like I've always been here, like this was always meant to be our home.
It only took me about two weeks to get all the boxes unpacked and everything hung! I'm not the type to just live out of a box and can't stand not knowing where my stuff is! Also, house decorating is possibly my most favorite thing to do. I just get in the zone and love seeing a room come together.
Loving where you live has caused a major change of heart for me. For awhile I felt so stuck and unhappy everyday (tears sometimes too), but now I literally smile every time I come home from work or get to wake up and work from home in my own home-office. I feel like my relationship with everyone in my life is better, my focus is better, and I've created space in my heart that wasn't there before. But it took time and patience to get here. I think that is probably the biggest lesson I've taken out of this experience; patience. It is not in my hands, it is in God's. I thank Him every night for the day He has given me and I pray that He will continue to guide me through the next. I'm such a planner and a control freak normally but it is so freeing to know that God has the perfect plan for me.
I hope you all enjoyed a little insight into what my life has been like outside of 3BH lately. Please send me all your home tips & hacks! It's about to be Fixer Upper over here and I would love to know what you have done to maintain and love on your homes!
- xx Victoria
P.s. Maybe I'll shoot a home video tour soon??